Particle and Nuclear Physics Seminar at J-PARC
(J-PARC 素粒子原子核セミナー)
DATE: 2015 Nov. 12th 15:30-
PLACE:large meeting room, J-PARC research building
TITLE: Muon (g-2) at Fermilab: Preparing for Takeoff
SPEAKER: Prof. B Lee Roberts
(Boston University)
CONTACT: Prof. Shunzo Kumano, j-parc-pn-seminar-(AT)
Measurements of the magnetic moments of the electron and muon were
intertwined with the development of the “modern physics” of the 20th
century. The measurements are expressed in terms of the g-value, the
proportionality constant between the magnetic moment and the spin, ¥vec{
mu}= g (Qe ¥hbar/2m) ¥vec{s}
For leptons the factor g is greater than the Dirac value of 2 because of
radiative corrections. Thus g has an anomalous part, g =2(1+ a), or
equivalently a = (g-2)/2. The anomaly is dominated by the lowest-order (
Schwinger) term, a = α/2π ≃ 0.00116. For the muon it is necessary to
include contributions from QED, the strong interaction and the
electroweak gauge bosons. To measure the anomaly, polarized muons are
injected into a precision magnetic storage ring with average field
uniformity of one part per million (ppm). The frequency that the spin
turns relative to the momentum is measured, along with the magnetic
field felt by the muon beam. The muon anomaly measured at Brookhaven
appears to be larger than the Standard-Model value by more than three
standard deviations. To clarify whether this is evidence for New Physics
or not, Fermilab E989 will reduce the total experimental error from 540
parts per billion (ppb) to 140 ppb. This requires reducing the total
systematic error on the muon spin rotation frequency, and the systematic
error on the magnetic field, each to a precision of 70 ppb. This
measurement also requires an increase in statistics over the BNL
experiment by a factor of 21, for a total of 2×1011 analyzed events. The
precision storage ring has been moved from Brookhaven to Fermilab, and
is now operational. The magnet shimming has now begun, and detector
installation is scheduled in mid-2016. Data collection should begin in
early 2017. I will explain the technique, and the large number of
improvements that are being employed in the new experiment, and show
pictures of relocation of the 14 m diameter superconducting coils, and
the reconstruction at Fermilab.